The Surprising Truth About Aloe Vera

The Surprising Truth About Aloe Vera

You’ve reached for aloe when you’ve spent too much time in the sun. You’ve seen it listed as a ingredient in many of your personal care products. It’s always been there. Simple. Ordinary. Trusted.

There’s a reason aloe vera gel is trusted in products you see every day. And that reason dates back thousands of years. The earliest civilizations revered this extraordinary botanical for its astonishing properties. Its legendary uses have been passed down through time, enhanced by scientific innovation and centuries of experience.
Let aloe surprise you as it:
* Cleanses and supports your digestive system
* Infuses you with energy
* Hydrates your skin
* Soothes and promotes skin renewal
* Supports your immune system

* And so much more

What are the benefits of Aloe Vera, what it does to human body?

  • Aloe Vera contains 20 amino acids including the 8 essential ones - isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenyllalanine, threonine, valine, and trytophan.
  • Amino Acids are the building blocks of the body.  
  • Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses 
  • They are part of the enzyme and hormonal system; they build necleoproteins, ( RNA & DNA ) . 
  • They carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity. When protein is broken down the digestion the result is 22 known amino acids. 
  • Eight are essentials ( cannot be manufactured by our body) , the rest are non essential ( can be maufactured by our body with proper nutrition ) .
  • TRYTOPHAN ( An essential amino acid )  found  in Aloe is a natural  relaxant.
  • Helps alleviate insomnia by inducing normal sleep; reduces anxiety and depression.
  • Helps in the treatment of migraine .
  • Helps the immune system.
  • Helps reduce the risk of artery and heart spasms.
  • Works with Lysine ( another essential amino acid)  in reducing Cholesterol levels.

How to choose the best Aloe Vera

All the company claim that their product is the best. Now, how could we know?

To whom and where can we find best?

It is easy, all you have to do , make your own research and make your own choices. 

Here, we'll help to learn what to look for and what is important in order for us to choose the best products for our needs. 

Aloe Vera is widely used anywhere in most products from juice,personal care and even with cosmetics. Some products claimed that they have 100% aloe vera ingredient on their products. Anyone can claim it. 

The thing is many manufacturers stretch more from a concentrated one gallons or pounds  of aloe vera to tons or hundreds of gallons of finished aloe vera drink, to get more profits.  in other words, we don't know how potent, how pure the 
finished product that we can get in the market.

FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS  is the world's no. 1 grower, producer and distributor of aloe vera products.

Forever Living and forever Living Products have been certified by International Science Council 

( www.IASC.ORG)

Why Drink Aloe?

The essential goodness in Aloe vera makes it an excellent source of nutrition. Our exclusive aloe drinks are rich cocktails containing pure aloe pulp and liquid that nourish your body, benefit your digestive system, amplify your energy level and deliver pure nutrition with every serving.

Imagine slicing open an Aloe leaf and consuming the gel directly from the plant. Our Forever Aloe Vera Gel™ is as close to the real thing as you can get.

The miraculous aloe leaf has been found to contain more than 200 compounds. A product of our patented aloe stabilization process, our gel is favored by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive system and a natural energy level.

The first to receive certification by the International Aloe Science Council, this rich cocktail of pulp and liquid authenticates this product just as nature intended. Taken daily, either alone or mixed with pure fruit juice, it is one of the best health drinks available!
The power of aloe – from the inside out
The first of its kind to be certified by the International Aloe Science Council
Beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Aloe vera berry nectar
Aloe Berry Nectar contains all of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes found in our Aloe Vera Gel, plus the added benefits of cranberry and apple. Aloe vera nectar berry besides their reputation as a cleanser for the urinary tract, cranberries provide a high content of vitamin C. They are also a natural source of pycnogenol, a powerful antioxidant that is particularly useful in maintaining collagen.

Aloe Aloe Bits n' Peaches
Forever Aloe Bits n' Peaches provides another great taste to enjoy with its 100% stabilized aloe vera gel and just a touch of natural peach flavor and peach concentrate. A taste sensation like no other, it contains pure chunks of aloe vera, bathed in the flavor of sun-ripened peaches. 

For many centuries, people all around the world have used aloe vera for its health benefits. The addition of peaches provides carotenoids – valuable as antioxidants and a source of vitamin A. They are also essential for maintaining the proper function of the immune system.

Aloe vera forever freedom gel
Forever Freedom has combined aloe vera with substances that are helpful for the maintenance of proper joint function and mobility in a tasty, orange-flavored juice formula. We've taken Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate – two naturally occurring elements that have been shown to help maintain healthy joint function and mobility – and married them with our stabilized aloe vera gel. To this, we’ve added vitamin C and MSM, a primary source of bio-available sulfur the body needs to maintain healthy connective tissues and joint function.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
Forever yours,
Kevin Constant
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